The AI Summit & IoT World 2022 Key Insights & Takeaways
A look back at the insights and intel our expert team of highly experienced global analysts at Omdia gathered at the AI Summit & IoT World Expo in November 2022.
The impact of technology in our daily lives grows every day. Truly transformative technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things have already changed how we communicate, the way we work, and how our children learn. The influence of these technologies is also felt in almost every business sector and industry, as many enterprises move to operationalize and scale their use throughout their organizations.
As impressive as this rate of adoption has been, the role of these technologies in business and throughout society is set to increase dramatically in the years ahead. This growth will be supported by the continued advancements in AI and IoT and the introduction and development of newer technologies like Quantum Computing. There are new problems to be solved, from increasing the resiliency of supply chains to making industries more sustainable while we work to improve the quality of life worldwide. These are among the challenges that AI, IoT, and Quantum Computing will come together to solve.
To further discuss this evolution, business and technology leaders recently came together in Austin, Texas, for the AI Summit and IoT World, co-located with the Quantum Computing Summit. At this unique gathering, attendees learned about the latest trends and best practices from technology leaders, practitioners, and industry experts such as the Omdia Research Team.
I am proud to share that of our attendees, we had 100 Fortune 500 companies represented at the AI Summit & IoT World Expo in 2022. This audience had an unprecedented in-person engagement with the Omdia analyst team through various sessions, panels, lunch and learns, and breakfast briefings.
During these sessions, these experienced analysts shared insight into their latest market research. These diverse topics included everything from the latest AI, IoT, and Quantum technology trends, to emerging use cases and the key challenges enterprises adopting these technologies continue to face.
Our Key Takeaways Report was developed from the event highlights key insights that our Omdia research team discussed at the event. This includes:
Edge intelligence is now at the forefront of IoT
"As IoT applications move from monitoring to AI-based actions, this next phase will be driven by intelligence at the edge. This trend was brought forward and broadly represented at the IoT World and the AI Summit in Austin."
Shobhit Srivastava, Principal Analyst, Omdia
An open-source thin edge is getting smarter, faster
"A new generation of low-priced, flexible RISC-V processors deployed in novel configurations will fundamentally change how we view the Edge, with the added compute capacities making the IoT a richer, more capable place."
Ed Wilford, Senior Principal Analyst, IoT Devices, Omdia
"Private networks are growing in areas such as first nation reservations and others where CBRS works well in campus-type environments and benefits from government grants and support, as there are clear societal benefits."
Andy Brown, Practice Lead, IoT, Omdia
"Enterprises are empowered with not only more connectivity options such as 5G and LPWAN, but also a greater assortment of underlying technologies including SIM technology that can allow for greater carrier choice."
John Canali, Senior Analyst, Service Provider IoT Strategies, Omdia
"While fully fault-tolerant, large-scale, universal quantum computers may still be a decade away, we’re much nearer the point of having tangible benefits from quantum computing."
Sam Lucero, Chief Analyst, Quantum Computing
"IoT in combination with AI assist cities to automate processes and predict situations that eventually lead in more sustainable cities."
Eleftheria Kouri, Senior Analyst, IoT, Omdia
"I see significant evidence that enterprises are operationalizing AI. They are bringing a range of creative ingenuity to bear and producing measurable results."
Mark Beccue, Principal Analyst, Omdia
We would welcome the chance to discuss these key trends and challenges with you at your convenience and explore how Omdia can help your organization find opportunities to succeed in these ultra-competitive markets.
Download the full report to find out more.
Author: Josh Builta, Senior Research Director, AI