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AI has become an integral part of various industries since it's explosion into the mainstream, shaping the way we live, work, and interact. AI has led to advancements in healthcare, improved automation in manufacturing, and enhanced efficiency in public services. Companies that embrace AI are likely to gain a competitive edge by harnessing data to make informed decisions, automate routine tasks, and enhance overall operational efficiency. 

 As businesses increasingly integrate AI into their operations, it will be essential for them to address ethical considerations, ensuring transparency, fairness, and accountability in AI systems.

AI Expertise

Our team of global expert analysts at Omdia, and editors from AI Business mean we cover the entire AI ecosystem.


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AI Global Community

Our series of events has been designed as a meeting place for leaders in AI who want first hand insights and networking opportunities with a global community.

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Market Intelligence

The focus on AI is now about scope, deploy and scale. Discover the impact of AI across industries and applications and prepare your road map for success.

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News & Insights

AI Business is the media hub for the global community, providing the latestinsights and intel on the cutting-edge of AI trends and new technologies.  

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Artificial Intelligence Market Trends

Generative AI

Generative AI

After its explosion into the mainstream in 2023, generative AI remains a hot topic for most organizations. Businesses are now looking at how to scope and scale generative AI and is a continuing development that can be used to enhance business efficiency.

Discover the insights from the experts in our suite of reports and articles

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Ethical & Responsible AI

Ethical & Responsible AI

Ethical and Responsible AI embodies the principles and practices that ensure systems are developed, deployed, and utilized in a manner that respects human values, rights, and dignity. By prioritizing Ethical and Responsible AI, organizations can build trust with users, mitigate risks, and contribute positively to society while fostering innovation and sustainable growth.

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AI Sustainability

AI Sustainability

Creating a sustainable business is now imperative - as the implications of doing nothing can have wider impact. AI will play a big role in supporting sustainability efforts.

We explore this key area of discussion in more detail through research, insights and analysis.

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AI Talent & Workforce

AI Talent & Workforce

In 2024, AI talent and workforce development will be paramount for businesses striving to harness the full potential of artificial intelligence. With demand for AI expertise continuing to surge, organizations must invest in recruiting, training, and retaining skilled professionals adept at driving AI innovation.  

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AI Governance & Security

AI Governance & Security

AI governance and security have become critical pillars for businesses navigating the complexities of artificial intelligence. As AI applications proliferate across industries, effective governance and security protocols are indispensable for mitigating risks and more.

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Measuring  Success & AI ROI

Measuring  Success & AI ROI

By quantifying the impact of AI initiatives on key business objectives, organizations can determine their efficacy and justify continued investment. Accurate measurement of AI success and ROI enables businesses to refine strategies, allocate resources effectively, and maximize the value derived from AI technologies.

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